Combining text and video publishing in the same system is a challenging and time-consuming process requiring multiple teams' expertise. At Labrador and Vimond, we understand this struggle and have created a solution that seamlessly integrates the capabilities of both web and video content management systems into one. It will become increasingly important for newsrooms to adopt the content management software that powers their programming and publishing workflows in 2023 and beyond. Our joint solution permits editorial teams to quickly and efficiently produce articles centered around videos, simplifying your workflows and saving you valuable time.
We specifically designed our solution to meet the needs of digital newspapers, magazines, local TV stations, and global media and entertainment companies. Using this joint solution, you can create articles with integrated video content, all in one place. The solution provides a drag-and-drop workflow that lets you add video content to articles, resulting in a more engaging and immersive experience for customers.
Content management technology must enable rapid development and integration of new features to stay competitive in the modern news landscape. With Labrador CMS, you’ll launch a complete newspaper or magazine solution quickly and easily, with a WYSIWYG editor and UI templates for creating webpages. Plus, with full video management capabilities through Vimond VIA, you can easily manage and distribute video content.
With fast implementation, you’ll save months of internal or external development time and empower your digital teams to access and distribute content independently and quickly. Our solution can run in parallel or in addition to legacy systems and facilitates cloud transformation with its Cloud SaaS and rapid iteration, low-risk release cycles.
Say goodbye to struggling with complex, custom-made publishing systems and hello to the ultimate web and video content management solution!
Contact us today to learn more!